Accessibility Statement

RESA Power is an inclusive organization, and we make every effort to ensure our website is accessible for all users. If you are experiencing any accessibility issues with our site, please let us know so that we can assist you by filling out the form below or calling this number: (832) 900-8340.

We strive to provide an experience for everyone who visits our website that is both welcoming and accessible. To achieve this, we proactively apply an approach that considers different needs and accessibility enabling technology, in line with the best practices and standards defined by the web content accessibility guidelines – WCAG 2.1 (AA). By making our websites fully accessible to everyone, we aim to ensure our visitors experience our commitment to diversity and inclusion.


We have made our internal and external sites compatible with as many browsers, platforms, and hardware as possible including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Should you have any questions, suggestions, or wish to bring any issues or inconsistencies to our attention please complete the form below.

We Make It Easy to Read Our Site

When text is too small web pages can be difficult to view. Several popular browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge allow you to zoom in and out using your mouse and keyboard shortcuts, as follows (use the Control key in Windows systems, and the Command key in Mac OS):

  • Hold the Control/Command key and scroll up or down to zoom in or out
  • Hold the Control/Command key and press + or – to zoom in or out

Magnifying Your Screen

It may be more convenient to magnify your screen. All recent versions of Windows include a magnifier, which can enlarge a portion of the screen. However, you may find you require fully functional magnification software. You can access more information about screen magnifiers in Windows here. Users running Apple operating systems can use the built-in Zoom feature.

Using a Screen Reader

Screen reader programs will read the content of the web page to the user. Windows users can access Windows Narrator which converts on-screen text into speech. This is available on Windows 10 and Windows 11. Third-party screen readers are also available such as JAWS (Job-Access-With-Speech) and the freeware program NVDA. Android users can access the Talkback feature & iPhone or Ipad users can access the Voiceover feature.

Information about screen readers:

PDF Files

We use PDF files to help us preserve the look and feel of our original documents. To open and view PDF files, you can download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader free of charge. Adobe also publishes information on accessing PDFS using screen readers here.

Accessibility Assistance

We make every effort to ensure our website is accessible for all users. If you are experiencing any accessibility issues with our site, please let us know so that we can assist you by filling out the form or calling this number: (832) 900-8340.